Kyle Stratis Software Developer in Boston, MA


I am a software developer (officially “senior data engineer”) currently living in Boston, MA who started a bit less traditionally than many other developers. In a former life, I was a graduate student studying auditory selective attention under Dr. David W. Smith.

It was then that I rediscovered my love for programming and decided to work my way out of the 60+ hour weeks in a subterranean lab the size of a utility closet (well, it was a utility closet). With a little help from my friends, I was able to successfully make this transition and get my first job in development.

I am interested in more things than not, ranging from science and science education to web, enterprise, and mobile development, to fitness and bodybuilding, gaming, comic collecting, history, learning foreign languages, the Oxford comma, and more. My hobbies can really be distilled down to one thing: learning.

Thank you for visiting, I hope that you will find something that ignites your interest in something new, that teaches you a new trick, or inspires you to teach me something new!